Whales, whales live in the sea

Whales are the biggest animals in the sea. They are much bigger than any animal on land. The largest whales are more than 30 metres long. Whales live in water, but they are not fish. They have warm ...

1. Whales are the largest animals in the sea

Whales are the largest animals in the sea, with some species growing over 30 meters long. They are much bigger than any animal on land. Despite their size, whales are not fish but mammals that have warm-blooded bodies like humans.

2. Whales live in the deep sea

The Census of Marine Life reports more than 17,000 species living in the deep sea. The Greenland shark can live in depths of 7,200 feet and is a rarely seen Arctic predator said to live up to 400 years old and reach 23 feet in length. This shows the diverse ecosystem of the deep sea where whales also reside.

3. Whales breathe air

Whales are mammals, which means they breathe air through lungs. Despite living in the sea, whales need to come to the surface regularly to breathe. They have blowholes on the top of their heads which allow them to take in air when they surface.

4. Whales communicate through sounds

Whales use sounds to communicate with each other. They produce a variety of vocalizations such as clicks, whistles, and pulsed calls. These sounds can travel long distances underwater and are used for various purposes including finding food, navigating, and socializing.

5. Whales have a complex social structure

Whales have a complex social structure and are known to live in groups called pods. These pods can consist of a few individuals to larger groups depending on the species. Whales within a pod communicate with each other using sounds and have specific roles within the group.

6. Whales are important for the marine ecosystem

Whales play a crucial role in the marine ecosystem. As top predators, they help maintain the balance of marine food chains by controlling the population of their prey. Their movements and feeding habits also contribute to nutrient cycling and the health of ocean ecosystems.

7. Whales face threats from human activities

Despite their importance, whales face threats from various human activities such as pollution, shipping traffic, and overfishing. These activities can disrupt their habitats, cause injuries, and even lead to the death of many whales. Conservation efforts are required to protect these majestic creatures and their habitats.