hanging out,hang out
Hang Out是一种非正式的社交活动,大多数是与朋友一起外出吃饭、看电影、喝咖啡或逛街的行为。
1. Hang out in的用法
Hang out in表示在某个地方待着,通常是指在室内。
例:I like to hang out with my friends on weekends.
We usually hang out at the coffee shop after work.
I spent the whole day hanging out in my room.
2. Hang out的另一种意思
在口语中,hang out也表示出去玩,可以是看电影、逛街、聊天等,不限于异性朋友。
例:Who is he hanging out with these days? 最近他跟谁混一起呢?
Im gonna hang out with some friends this weekend. 我这个周末要跟朋友出去玩。
3. 从认识到成为普通朋友
Hang out在开始认识阶段,表示成为普通朋友,一起玩耍的阶段。
Seeing each other (Ask her out)在约会阶段。
例:We are just hanging out. 刚开始认识,成为普通朋友。
I’m seeing someone. 约对方单独出来玩,就是ask her/him out。
4. Hang的过去式和过去分词
Hang around的意思是闲荡、徘徊或逗留。
例:If you see anyone hanging around here tell them to hop off. 如果你看到有人在这儿闲荡,就叫他们走开。
5. Hang out的日常用法
在日常生活中,hang out通常表示外出活动,与朋友聚在一起。
例:I'm tired of hanging out at home all day, let's go for a walk. 我厌倦了整天在家闲逛,我们出去走走吧。
My friends and I used to hang out at the mall every weekend when we were in high school.